Thursday, June 11, 2009

The Zoo!

Yes, the zoo.

But before that, here's a notice to all the Australians reading this blog!

The World Bar at King's Cross will be hosting my artwork in an opening exhibition on the 24th! Keep your calenders open! It should be a blast! If you have your Club VIP card, entry should be free and your Pokit Pals should also save you money on drinks. I think champagne will be served to gallery visitors as well! Just get really drunk and buy my art OK?


Taronga Zoo was across the bay from the Opera House, but ferries traversed the watery path. Tributes must be made to Sydney's guardian, the Fish Bishop, lest you incur his wrath upon your vessel.

One of the cool things about the zoo was that to get into the park after coming ashore, you had to take this weird lift up which gave you a cool arial view of the whole park.


Oh, did I mention I saw KANGAROOS? It was the first time I saw a living kangaroo (with wallabies present as well). Every other kangaroo I saw was either made into a hat, on a pizza, or in two pieces on the side of the road. You can feel the sheer intensity of the moment in the next immediate photo.

I'll finish this off with some interesting educational displays I saw.


  1. oh my goodness wallabies are adorable
    (like tiny, non-murderous kangaroos)

    but that chimp sign

    oh my god

  2. You make me want to go to Australia (despite the HORRIBLE SPIDERS)
