Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Goings

I forgot to tell you, you guys can click the images to see bigger versions of them. If ya'll didn't already know.

So apparently all Australian universities have something called "O-week", where the week before the start of the semester is dedicated to drinking, dancing, and public nudity. Which reinforces my theory that Australians are just Americans, except they do everything better.

Events included:
Waking up at 6 in the morning to make us run around in circles.

A 'bush dance', the Australian equivalent of an American barn dance, except everyone moves so fast that no camera known to man can catch a clear image of the motions.

A scavenger hunt all throughout downtown Sydney. The videos before were from the hunt!

Some of the things we needed to do and some extra rules:
-Get the entire team into a strip club
-Swap clothes with a school kid. Bonus points for stealing his/her shirt if it is nicer than yours.
-Get a quote for "gooch wax" inside "The Victoria Beauty Salon"
-Dance like "the land is your mother" to the Aboriginal performers.
-Stage a purse snatching on a member's handbag on the steps of an establishment.
-Get a tattoo.
-Nudity will ALWAYS be rewarded.
-Any encounter with another team after 12:30pm must result in a match of strip chicken.

Unfortunately, all the other teams did the fun stuff while we were just big dumb lames.
Here's a picture of our team asking an old lady where the nearest strip club is for one of the hunt items.

Oh and also this

There was also a cruise on the bay, which was most excellent. There's a bit of photos from that, so I'll just post that on the next post or some shizzz.

School starts in a week!

Thursday, February 26, 2009



Yeah, the flight sucked. 22 hours of being cramped in an economy section of an airplane.

But the fun began immediately after landing.

So far, there's been alot of events with the residential college I'm a part of on campus. We've had a scavenger hunt in Sydney (with public nudity encouraged by the faculty), a huge cardboard fort/water balloon fight, a 12 hour pub crawl, and a harbor cruise! You'll get to see everything soon enufffff.

Also, Australia is filled with burger.

I shall have to assess the situation carefully.

AT ANY RATE, I'll be updating this in either chronological order until I've caught up with all my adventures, or with any particularly cool things I find the day I update.

Classes don't start for a while, so lets chat together!
AIM: Dandy Step
I'm about 17 hours ahead of Chicago time, so plan that shit out dawg.

I'm worried my hiatus has killed any chance of anyone reading this blog ever (forever).

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

So yeah

I've been AWOL, due to a combination of logistics and a 12 hour pub crawl.

I'm also on my way to cruise on Sydney Bay (complementary alcohol provided).

Calm yourself, I'll give you a real update when I get back.

For now, here's me playing in a fountain in downtown Sydney with the rest of a dormitory scavenger hunt group.

Oh and also this guy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It Begins


I'm studying abroad in Sydney, Australia at the University of New South Wales. No big deal. J/k, it's pretty sweet.

Along the way, age-old questions will be answered.
"Can you scare away a great white shark by punching it in it's nose?"
"Do Australian toilet bowls swirl in the opposite direction?"
"Is it true that Australians only drink snake blood and eat freshly killed animals larger than themselves?"
"Adrian, is it true you can out-box a whole swarm of kangaroos?"

Throughout my journey, all will be revealed.

I invite you to visit this blog often, as it will be updated nearly daily (starting February 22nd) with a photo, drawing, or comic of my adventures.

Please take each tale as you would a dark glass of aged wine. Drink them slowly, and let them intoxicate you.

I present to you Tanklad: Bloodbath in Australia.