Thursday, April 23, 2009

Things Australians Say Wrong #3

(Wow, has the quality of my photos always been this bad after uploading?)

Yeah, Sydney is great and all, but all anyone ever wants to do is visit a pub or a club. Its fun occasionally, but my health, wallet, and soul can't take it anymore. I'm doing some serious sightseeing, with or without the natives.

ANYWAY, here's some slang to bite on.

'heaps' (really, alot, etc)
Example: That was heaps fun. (That was really fun)

'keen' (to like)
Example: I'm not too keen on that. (I don't really like that)
(Its a word used in the US, but the frequency of it's presence in normal conversation in Australia is... alarming)

'_____ as' (I don't even fucking know)
Example: That was sweet as! (That was really sweet)

The last one confuses the hell out of me, and I haven't found anyone who knows how it came to existence. Basically, you take an adjective of your choice and you follow it with 'as' without actually comparing it to anything.


Also, I was watching something random the other day and chickens were referred to as 'chooks'. Odd.


  1. Dude I say "keen" and I'm not from Australia. "Keen" is totally a 1950s U.S.A. word. I picked it up from reading the old Golden Key Tom & Jerry comics I found at junk stores as a kid.

  2. Ha! I'd forgotten about 'as' that was top pick of my sisters vocabulary.
    I had to stop using heaps when I moved here, the confusing was too great. Apparently.
    I want to be Australian again! :(
