Saturday, April 25, 2009

Anzac Day & Australian Money

I'm taking an Australian history course here, and we learned about the Anzacs (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps). Today was a national holiday called Anzac Day, which commemorates their efforts at Gallipoli in Turkey during WWI. Some say that these battles marked the birth of Australia as a nation.

For more information about Gallipoli, watch the film of the same name starring Mel Gibson (c).

At any rate, we learned of the tragic losses that occurred and how there were grand memorials and events all over Australia for the Anzacs.

When I asked around my college, it was more recognized as the day when a gambling/drinking game called two-up is temporarily legalized in pubs.

Anzac day is a strange mix of mourning and drinking. I didn't partake in either due to a combination of being tired, drowning in coursework, and angry at my failure to attend a certain meeting. I tried to meet up people to attend a 3am memorial service, but they left before I could find them. So it goes.

Sydney is exhausting, and I haven't even been doing a whole lot. I wish I could sightsee more, but there isn't much more I can do besides going to the zoo and touring the opera house. I ask people, and they reply, 'There isn't anything to do in Sydney'. I refuse to believe this, but am also reminded of being asked the same question about Chicago every so often.

Oh, and have I told you how Australian currency looks like Monopoly money?

The photos don't do it justice. There are transparent parts and really little holographic things on them and they're just awesome overall. They're also inflammable, somewhat water resistant, and very hard to rip. That's what I call smart money! Australia also banished the penny, which apparently resulted in a huge boost to their economy. US, get on this.

Oh, and the 5 dollar note has a secret funny image when folded. Can you find it?


  1. You missed my last Garg meeting EVAR )=

  2. Man. Inflammable, water resistant money is a GREAT idea. But how do elite capitalist light there cigars in Australia? With American money?

  3. It took me a minute to see the blowjob whale, but now I CANNOT LOOK AWAY
