Saturday, June 6, 2009

Eating Ice Cream... FOR AMERICA

This was from the Ice Cream eating challenge the dorm I'm living at hosted. 4 liters of ice cream within an hour, working with the average human stomach capacity of 1.5 liters. You must vomit to victory! I was a wimp and decided to just eat my fill in ice cream :>


The semester is over! Lectures and tutorials are finished, and all my projects and papers are handed in. With a month left until I take that big bird back to the US, I'm gonna have to make the most of the time I've got left here!

At the same time, I haven't been treating you guys well at all! Between my papers and projects, the fun had was few and far between each other.

I'll be updating every day (with minor exceptions near exam time) with the adventures I've had and the adventures I continue to have. The word of the day is 'dedication'!

Let me show you what kept me from whispering my sweet nothings in your ears these past two months! One of the larger assignments I had to do was a fairly long research paper on Australia's legislation and handling of Asians in the early 20th century (pretty interesting stuff, actually).

The other project was making this.

Its a water pump. It pumps water. And it was a bitch to design and make and I'm surprised it worked. We were given metal stock and had to do everything ourselves after that using the most terrifying industrial tools I've ever seen in my life.

Every Thursday from 5pm to 10pm, I had to travel to the other side of Sydney to work at a trade school with experienced machinists.

It was a pretty sweet class overall. Learned how to operate those death-machines and did a lot more than what I would've had done for the same class at UoM, so despite being worked to the bone I have no regrets!

Thats all for today, but tune in tomorrow at the same Bat-time, same Bat-channel.


  1. It's so cool that you were able to fabricate that. It's a rare opportunity these days, and one that I am sure will be valuable in your quest to create a sub-race of robot underlings.

  2. Also: you look thinner. Sexier
    Also also: the guy next to you in that picture is checking you out.
