Saturday, June 20, 2009


I still have so much to do.

One last wave of postcards, closing my student banking account, swinging by the study abroad office, finish the paintings, study for my last exam, preparing for a road trip...

And then there's this blog :[

It's times like this that I wonder why I give myself so much work. Am I a work-a-holic? Do I enjoy being stressed and tied up all the time??

Lets all just get together for the Grant Park movie Tuesdays and chill out when I get back.

I'll try to update the blog with a real post before I call it a night if I have leftover time...


  1. First movie is Sunset Boulevard on July 14 it looks like. Can't wait. Oh, and we'll have CAKE before then

  2. Dude, you really need to tell me when you are back in the US of A. I'm making pretty frequent trips to Chicago, and I need a Choy fix.
